Below is a listing of other content providers. You may access the provider's main page by clicking on the provider's website Link below. Some providers offer residents an opportunity to post comments.
1. The SCA Community Association's website. This homeowner-only access website provides official information and documents relating to association business and activities. Those wishing to be included in the Association's e-mail service (e-blasts) must first register to gain access to their website: http://www.sca-hoa.org. If you do not have permission to access their content, you will need to register after clicking on the "Sign-in" link.
2. Anthem Opinions, principle operator, Dick Arendt. This site provides information, asks your opinions and entertains. To subscribe, see instructions on the site's main page, or click on their subscription link: http://anthemopinions.blogspot.com/p/welcomehow-to-subscribe.html.
3. Anthem Today, principle operator, Rana Goodman. This site encourages comments and invites clubs, committees and special interests groups to send in announcements anytime for posting. Their e-mail address is: info@anthemtoday.com. To register to post comments or to subscribe, see instructions on site's main page.
4. David's Anthem Journal, principle operator, David Berman. This site provides timely news, information and offers opinions about SCA. To subscribe, see instructions on the site's main page.
Anthem Opinions